Saturday, February 18, 2012

Can I sex blue tongue skinks by how they react to each other?

I have two blue tongue skinks, but do not know the sex of either. I'm thinking I might get a clue about their sex by breifly introducing them and closely observing how they react to each other. Is this a viable method?

If so, what are the different reactions to different combinations of sexes? Will males immediately try to attack each other? Do females more-or-less ignore each other (wouldn't keep them together, of course)? Will a male/female combo generally result in the male "checking her out"? Any info would be useful.Can I sex blue tongue skinks by how they react to each other?You are right. They can not be probed like Pobilly05 thinks or visually sexed. I have a friend who is a breeder and this is how he sexes them. Females will ignore each other, males will fight visciously, and a male will bite a female and attempt to mate, although he may take a few minutes to get started. This usually works best after being brumated during a cool down, though. Another way is to look for seminal fluids excreted by a mature male. Both of these methods are explained in detail at on their caresheet.Can I sex blue tongue skinks by how they react to each other?the safest and easiest way to find out is to take them to your local vet and have them probed to determine sex i would recommend this over putting them together and seeing what they do Can I sex blue tongue skinks by how they react to each other?it will be pretty hard.. if they are the same sex. they will fight, and you won't notice it, but the easiest and safest way, is look on google here is a site to help鈥?/a>Can I sex blue tongue skinks by how they react to each other?
ask a vet

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