Thursday, February 2, 2012

HHEEEEELLLLPPPP!!!!! 8th Grade History Project?!? ?

So instead of doing an end-of-the-chapter test, we have to do a big project. We have to create a shield (on paper) with 5 sections representing the five section in our textbook. Each section on the shield has to have a CREATIVE title, 4-8 keywords ( can't be the keywords from our textbook ), picture/sketch/rebus, and a 1-2 sentence summary of each book section. Our text books are American Nation Prentice Hall ( 8th grade) and chapter 4 which is the 13 English Colonies. We can make the shield any shape. He wants it verrryyy creative yet informational. We also have to have a commemorative motto. HELP!I need to know what information about the 13 colonies and I should use and what creative things I could do?!?!?!?!?!?!HHEEEEELLLLPPPP!!!!! 8th Grade History Project?!? ?
For each section, find the one thing that you found most interesting or surprising for yourself in that section. Then ask yourself why it was so interesting or surprising for yourself. Then draw a picture of that and it will naturally be interesting and creative.

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