Thursday, February 2, 2012

HHHEEEELLLPPP!!!!! 8th grade History project!?

So instead of doing an end-of-the-chapter test, we have to do a big project. We have to create a shield (on paper) with 5 sections representing the five section in our textbook. Each section on the shield has to have a CREATIVE title, 4-8 keywords ( can't be the keywords from our textbook ), picture/sketch/rebus, and a 1-2 sentence summary of each book section. Our text books are American Nation Prentice Hall ( 8th grade) and chapter 4 which is the 13 English Colonies. We can make the shield any shape. He wants it verrryyy creative yet informational. We also have to have a commemorative motto. HELP!HHHEEEELLLPPP!!!!! 8th grade History project!?
pk well make the shield the shape of the 13 coloniesHHHEEEELLLPPP!!!!! 8th grade History project!?
lol idk what ur asking but i'm in 8th grade history too! Haha hmm I would put something about the virgina company in it. And make like pocahontas standing over jhon smith (saving his life) or Pocahontas holding hands with Jhon rolph which symbolizes how they brought peace to James town, Virgina between the English and the Native Americans. Because then they all started intermarrying and that brought peace or whatever since Pocahontas was Powhatanwans daughter.

Or you could put a Giant Teacup in the middle of the sheild that stands for the boston tea party. And then have a whole bunch of information about Boston Massachusettes around it. And some stuff about minute men and the Bost Massacre. Haha and then make a time line boarder around the edges of the sheild and put important events.

For some Mottos you could use: Give me Liberty or Give me death; Life Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness; They knew by signing the declaration that they could be killed; All men are created equal;

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