Sunday, February 12, 2012

How long should a husband go without sex from his wife?

Is there a limit to how long a man should go without sex from his wife? Let's say he has sex on average every two months.Maybe 2 a month is outstanding! Is that cruel? Should a husband have to put up with this type of behavior? Say they have a child who is 10. And say the are very religious Christians. What should the man do?How long should a husband go without sex from his wife?OneBrilliantMan:

Every couple and every relationship is different. There are no hard-and-fast rules about the appropriate amount of sex in a marriage. No one can tell you what the limit is or how long a man should wait.

Healthy relationships have a healthy sexual component - regardless of religious affiliation, age of the children or age of the marriage. If your sex life is unsatisfactory, then there are problems in your marriage. Problems in the bedroom are most often indicative of problems elsewhere in the relationship.

My advice: figure out how to reach your wife. You need to set the stage for a very serious conversation with your wife. You need to be sensitive. Ask open-ended questions, and LISTEN to what she is saying. My guess is that there is a reason or a number of reasons why she is not putting out. You need for her to tell you what those reasons are and how you can help rectify the situation. It may be that you're not romantic enough. It may be that she no longer feels sexy. It may be the she has lost interest in sex. It may be that she asked you to do something that was important to her that you did not do, and now she's resentful. You need to figure out what is wrong.

In the end, if you cannot establish a line of communication with your wife, one that leads to the two of you being better partners for each other, the sex is the least of your marriage's ills. If both parties are not able to communicate and solve problems, then you need to ask yourself if the marriage is worth maintaining.

Good luck!How long should a husband go without sex from his wife?
5 minutes......LOL

No really, I am a born-again Christian who believes in the laws and vision that God has for marriage, including sex. The book of "Song of Solomon" in the Bible is a beautiful representation of a sexual relationship between a man and a woman. And all throughout the New Testament are passages about a wife submitting to her husband.....her body is his.....and in turn, the husband is to cherish his wife as he would like to be cherished.....and his body is his wife's.

BUT......we as married couples are also supposed to respect our spouse and treat him/her the way we want to be treated.

And by the way, once every 2 months is an extreme amount of time between sexual encounters with your spouse. Something is very wrong with this. Maybe your wife needs some hormonal therapy, or psychological counseling to deal with an issue that you may be unaware of. Stress, kids, work, etc.....can affect a woman's ability to sexually connect with her husband. And if you are not meeting your wife's emotional needs and understanding her feelings.......she will withdraw from you as a wife. Try and emotionally connect with your her best friend....and love, accept, and respect her.....and watch what happens.

Women need that emotional attachment Men need the sexual connection. And sometimes the two never meet. Also, depending on your wife's age, she may not be sexually/emotionally mature enough to truly enjoy being the woman God created in her. So, give her time and one day she will wear the pants off you....LOL That usually happens around the age of 30.

Good luckHow long should a husband go without sex from his wife?A man should have sex as often as he needs to. Let's say that a man finds himself in the scenario you describe. He and his wife should visit a marriage counselor, a sex therapist, a physician or possibly all the above. The counselor can help work out emotional problems between them which might be preventing a normal sex life. The therapist treats lack of desire and if it is determined that there is a medical reason for the wife not engaging in normal healthy sexual bliss with her loving and cherishing Christian husband the physician will prescribe a treatment to correct this wrong.

I wish you the best.
What wrong with the husband's relationship with his wife - has she been ill - has she gained weight? Is she insecure about her body or health or under stress - the husband needs to consider some of these things or other factors that may make the wife withdraw from sexual contact from her husband. - Has there been an affair? Are the couple having money problems - that's seems to be the top reason these days.

The husband has to answer these questions - he has to also give his mate a fair chance and most of all he has to communicate with her how he feels and she has to give him as much as she can also.How long should a husband go without sex from his wife?I don't think it is cruel. But have you tried talking about it? Talking about your wants? Maybe to her she is satisfied with once or twice and month and she might think that you are too? maybe she is tired? maybe you can find out why she doesn't deisre to be with you more often and see what you can do to make her desire it more. or you can go to counseling or read a book on marriage that talks about the joys of sex with in a loving and committed relationship. Maybe you can look for other ways that she expresses her love to satisfy your needs.How long should a husband go without sex from his wife?
Depending on each of yours sex drive, it is weird to go that long between sexual relationships with each other, At a guess I would say that you two should have sex at least once a week, altho some folks have it every day, some just once a week, with or without kids that seems normal to me. Tell her that your thinking of finding someone to be a 'friend with benefits' and see if that don't cause her to pick up the pace with you.
The man should find out what it is about him that keeps her from being turned on by him. Usually it is because he does not help around the house, or he treats her with disrespect of some kind, such as making her feel unequal to him. Women are emotional and they get tired if they have to work and take care of everything at home too. Perhaps you and she should have a discussion about why she is no longer attracted to you as a lover. Perhaps you aren't treating her right in bed too. If she is not enjoying it like you do, she would have no incentive to have sex. Perhaps you never take her out, away from the house, so that she can relax and unwind. Communication is the key.How long should a husband go without sex from his wife?
The man could try seducing his wife. You know, a little fore play to get his wife in the mood too. Too many guys just expect their partners to lay down for them without working for it. And it's not even work. It's great to be with your wife and love her up and take it slow in order to get to the final point. Being a Christian means to make love to your wife without a certain amount of numbers attached to it according to the Bible. Ever hear " be fruitful and multiply"? That means to go and have sex basically. And this comes from Our Lord.

So if you have a poor sex life, there must be a good reason. Talk to your spouse and find out their thoughts and problems if there is a problem. Listen and really care about what she has to tell you. It may just improve your sex life.
My parents are religious Christians, and they are very comfortable in stating that they have sex at least three times a week. I think you should give the signals. Kiss her more passionately, touch her, massages. Honestly, you need to communicate. Try: "We never make love anymore, and I really miss it."

Suggest "scheduling" sex, if she is "too busy" or "too tired." Personally "too busy" and "too tired" are bullshit excuses for something that could be 20 minutes (but preferably longer lol!!)...

If her excuse is the child--thats what grandmas and uncles and aunties are for!

Take her out, make her feel like an amazing woman, and come home and have a romantic night in the sack.
There is no set amount, but if you are unhappy with the frequency then you need to talk. However, 2 a month does seem to be low frequency on the average. You should make desires known to her, she might not be aware that you desire it more often and it would make you happier. If she is aware then perhaps counselling should be explored?
depends how you both enjoy it. there is also a limit to how long a woman can be without sex.. works both ways. women get a horny too..we just dont say it.

get religion out of it: SEX IS FUN! AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH DOING IT. as long as it is between two adults who consent it, there is no problem.

****, I would do it like 3 times a day if i was married.
i think at least every three days, four max. men get antsy and frustrated after that and sexual intimacy can only strengthen a marriage.

and to the women who want their man to "earn it"... men are better husbands when they feel loved and appreciated, a feeling they get from sex.
I don't think so. there shouldn't be a limit. but sex should not be withheld either. it can be a form of abuse. really.

if they are very religious Christians then the wife should summit to her husband and enjoy each other. After all, we were made to reproduce. lol.
How long should a woman go without sex from her husband? He is lucky to get it 2 times a month The only alternative is to take care of it yourself or leave. An affair is not an option at least to me its not. It is cruel but its not only men who go without sex
Well if there is no physical reason why she is cutting you off from the way she was giving it to you on demand then i would say you no longer interest her sexually . As far as should and shouldn't she is her own woman and does not have to give you anything at all if she so desires .
Toward the end of my mariage we had it about 5 times a year. She is obviously not happy with you. Perhaps you should use this time to work on youself since this is all that you really can truly control. Remeber that love is patient and love is this and be true to youself and your spouse.
every two or three days.

however, each man's need to nail his wife might differ.

for me two to three days.

if i saw my wife in a vulgar way it could be every day.

for example she knew that if she laid on her stomach in the undies she would have to put big boy to sleep
Women need to connect emotionally with their man in order to want to have sex. If this isn't happening, we won't initiate sex, even if we physically want to. I would suggest that you see what she needs emotionally from you. God bless!
my personel time is about 3 days max and then she better be real sick. I would tell her that I am going to have sex in 3 days and ask her if she wants to be there when I have it. If not that is her choice
The man should ask himself why and is there anything he can do outside the bedroom that will make his wife happy......The saying holds true: if the wife ain't happy outside the bedroom, the husband ain't happy inside the bedroom....
The man should suggest that his wife make a trip to her doctor and then he should use masturbation to get him through til the problem is sorted out.
man, I'm in that boat too! minus kids, but both religious. I'll take every two months, can't remember how long its been...Well, its a new year so maybe our luck will change...good luck...communication is key....
Dam 2 times a month??

Don't be surprise if the wife starts cheating on the husband cause no dick!

I don't care how religious you are, there is nothing wrong with having sex with your own partner when married.
not for too long i think.@ least 3-4 occassions a week with1 or 2 times per occassion.

2 days.

if both have busy schedule = a week or 10 days???
idk i havent heard my parents through the wall in quite a few months. 0.o
Christians have nothing to do with your problems! Go get a divorce based on alienation of affection! Your hubby is getting it somewhere in your cult! Some times we do it many times a week and sometimes we just want to cuddle. A faithful man wants to do it bad! My hubby likes it a lot and me too!!!
i think u should have sex every three weeks coming from an ex wife.
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