Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What horoscope sign is the best for Gemini in regards of a high sex drive?

I want a woman whose compatible with my sex drive. I have a very high sex drive and I want to know what horoscope sign of a female has a very high sex drive if not the highest out of all horoscope signs among females. The female I was with has a very, very low sex drive and were on opposite ends. So help me out in compatiblity in sex drive.What horoscope sign is the best for Gemini in regards of a high sex drive?Geminis and Scorpios usually have high sex drives...

Every gemini ive ever met had a pretty high sex drive.What horoscope sign is the best for Gemini in regards of a high sex drive?
okay, that offends me... I happen to be a gemini...

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What horoscope sign is the best for Gemini in regards of a high sex drive?I think Fire Tiger is the best, that's just with me! @_@

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Gemini and Gemini = passion.

Gemini and Aries = passion.What horoscope sign is the best for Gemini in regards of a high sex drive?Aries and Capricorn, but you will need to work for the cap will take time to get her sacked. Sag women have high drives too.What horoscope sign is the best for Gemini in regards of a high sex drive?
Any of the Fire signs.What horoscope sign is the best for Gemini in regards of a high sex drive?
On occasion, an air of superiority may be displayed in this native's calm and cool composure...but it simply belies an intensity held within that is something akin to a volcano on the point of eruption. In addition, the eyes...usually very magnetic, dark and round...often possess a brilliant shine. Often a person gets a feeling that the gaze tends to look deeply into the soul. In general, the hair of Scorpio persons is dark, thick and somewhat coarse, tending to curls or a at least a degree of waviness. Most possess a fine skin texture, which may be sallow and rather oily. Here, the height is usually below average to average...tall is rare. Generally, they are not very tall in height. The head is of average length and often rather flat on top. The nose is frequently perceived to be Roman, but may be either aquiline or concave, tending to fullness at the tip. It is customary for those governed by this Sign to present an attractive and strikingly tidy appearance. There is usually not a hair out of place, the nails will be well cared for and they will be both health and physique conscious. The Scorpio walk is apt to be somewhat quick as well as having a bounce or swing that gives the appearance of an invisible tail being wagged. In short, most people consider the walk of a Scorpio native to be rather seductive. They have the ability to stand out from the crowd. Overall, a Scorpio man or a woman has a very strong and tough look particularly in the adult years of life. This also gives them a superior look at times. Scorpio individuals have a very hypnotic feel to their personality. Relatively, the overall features of a Scorpio man or woman are always good looking and striking in appearance. People who belong to this sign of zodiac tend to have a husky voice. While conversing, they often speak slowly. During the middle-age period, a Scorpion may tend to put on more weight. Although overweight, a Scorpio still manages to look strikingly attractive. The reserved look is basically because the facial expressions hardly reveal what lies in the mind. That's the basic characteristic of all Scorpio personalities. Usually the reserved nature makes it difficult for others to know this personality completely. Their rather enigmatic personality can attract or even repel people. With Scorpio the inference of deceit picks out the theme of falsity and truth; and as we might expect, those with the acuity to be masters of deceit are also the best equipped to recognise it when they see it. In their gift of realising deception, rejecting hollowness and seeing through shallow facades, Scorpios are not afraid to expose realty for what it is; they are the emissaries of a more complete sense of truth than many of us are prepared to contemplate, the penetrating aspects of it often being too painfully sharp for comfort. The paradox of Scorpio is that when it is fooling you, it is not really acknowledging you at all. And like all water signs Scorpios seldom instigate attacks, preferring to hold their power in reserve. This undercurrent of unexpressed energy is the basis of an almost tangible magnetism, a sense of power embedded in the aura that reveals itself expressly when their acute defensive instinct is stirred. When Scorpios do engage in conflict their method of operation is perfectly reflected by the terrestrial creature that defines their celestial motif - all scorpions are venomous and all are predators, but they never actively hunt or chase down their prey; instead they patiently sit and wait, months if necessary, proceeding to ambush only when their quarry is close enough to stand little chance of escape. In business and battle Scorpios make inestimable adversaries, particularly when they take up positions where they can calculate, control and hold back a concerted effort until its execution will realise maximum impact. In order to penetrate it must first draw towards it: Scorpio doesn't walk into your territory, it doesn't flirt and cajole, it merely let's its own energy attract, and when penetrating your secrets it does so having lured you to a place where resistance is low. Scorpio relies purely on its gut-reaction, its lack of quick mental assessment more than adequately compensated by heightened emotional/psychic sensitivity and a compulsive fixation upon a problem until its actual dimensions are finally exposed. Like all water signs, Scorpio finds a natural habitat in the world of feelings and instincts. Scorpio has a very rich and fertile insight into the underbelly of life, and even in the definition of the sign as 'autumnal' we are reminded that the emphasis is taken away from that which exposes itself on the surface, to the need to withdraw back to the fundamental root. Here destruction and creativity meet together, causing a tremendous alchemical reaction between attraction and repulsion, a transmutative force which deserves the highest respect since a negative or uncontrolled release is capable of destruction, just

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