Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is freshman High School Biology too complex for Obama?

Commenting on when life begins is, by his own admission, too complex for Obama (and for most pro-abortion individuals).

From my daughter's freshman Biology textbook:

"Living things share the following characterisics:

Living things are made up of units called cells.

Living things reproduce

Living things are based on a universal genetic code.

Living things grow and develop.

Living things obtain and use materials and energy,

Living things respons to their environment

Living things maintain a stable internal environment.

Taken as a group, living things change over time."

--Prentice Hall Biology, p. 16

Unborn babies exhibit all of the above characteristics. The pro-abortion "blob of cells" argument may have worked in 1973, but science has advanced a bit by now. Why not just admit that you think it is OK to kill human life? At least be honest. Is freshman High School Biology too complex for Obama?
We can ADD this to Obamas lack of Geography (57 States), Math ( 10,000 dead in a tornado, when it was less than 100 ) and History ( wrong Camp his great grandfather entered).

These are "forgivable" to a certain extent, but for him to endorse and sign a State Law that approves of "late term" abortion, is not. This man stands against not just morality, but common decency.
roger that...Is freshman High School Biology too complex for Obama?
Apparently not. He begot 2 beautiful children.
anything that requires obama to have an opinion or a stance is too hard for him...he has a herd mentality...Is freshman High School Biology too complex for Obama?
Being an American patriot is too complex for Obama.
A tree has the same characteristics. Are they humans?
what is obama's pay grade anyway? May be he should get demoted.
Are you surprised? Lol I think life begins at conception. Obama doesn't know what he believes.
Why stop here. Let's extend the same rights to sperm and eggs. People are killing thousands of potential babies every time they menstruate or whack off!!! What are we gonna do!
"Unborn babies exhibit all of the above characteristics."

So does a tumor.
Funny how you don't have a problem with ending people's lives once they've started!

Hey.. let's go drop some bombs on more innocent people.. Are you with me!!!!
honestly its none of your business if someone choose to have an one is going around forcing people to do it...FREEDOM thats what our country is known for..i think some people forget this
The term is pro-choice, not pro-abortion you fascist.
No one, not even Obama denies that a fetus is made up of living cells. You're creating a strawman. It's the personhood of the fetus that is in question, not whether a fetus is "alive" or not.
Why do you bother? The people who agree with are already voting for McCain.
What bothers me the most about abortion is that it is performed during the first trimester. That's up to 14 weeks. At 8 weeks the baby can suck his thumb and reacts to pain. At 9 weeks, he can grasp things with his hand. If abortions could be performed during the first couple of weeks, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it.
No woman wants to have an abortion.....

How about we work on preventing pregnancies. Its so easy, birth control, condoms, morning after pill. Educate people, beat it into their brain that if they choose to have sex, they will do it as safe as possible....

Then women would not have to make a choice, except when to get off birth control and start having babies.
Not to compare with an unborn child, cancer and pimples both fall into this definition also.

I happen to disagree with Obama's views on abortion but at question with the pro-choice side of the argument is

a. at what stage in development is an embryo considered a "human being"

b. what role should the government have in legislating abortion

c. should legal abortion be funded with taxpayer dollars

I believe that the abortion of all unborn children that are viable outside the womb should be disallowed. Third-trimester abortion is murder by all definitions.

Obama's stand on health care in general is appalling. He would prefer we have a government backed and funded system which would grant all citizens substandard care. Ask any Canadian how good their universal health care system works.

There is no doubt that Obama is a brilliant man who can rally much support but his socialist views are totally wrong for America and the November election results will show that.
Fantastic well presented argument, Obama= Culture of Death

McCain= Culture of Life
On a YES or NO vote, he chose "present" over 125 times... He must not be as bright as dems think he is..
because no running for a presidential candidacy is going to state something like that. do you think McCain is going to state that he thinks it's okay to take women's healthcare back to the 1930's? no, because it's not good for the campaign.

besides, it's not really up to anyone to decide what is morally correct for any one individual to do in their life, or with their body. i don't believe in abortion, but there are MANY different beliefs in this world, and freedom to believe and practice what you want is what this country was founded on. separation of church and state. it's not up for debate.
Well it certainly is too difficult for Sarah Palin, who believes in creationism.

But maybe if you went past freshman biology you would understand that it is not genes which make us who we are, but the expression of those genes encoded into proteins and structured to form a whole. The question about when life begins is a non-sequiter because life has only one beginning, and that happened 3.5 billion years ago. Sure an fertilized egg is alive, but so is an unfertilized egg, and so are sperm. You fail to explain why interchanging strands of DNA suddenly causes a colony of undifferentiated cells to gain the full protection of the law.
Wow, biology is too complex for me as well. I didn't know unborn babies could reproduce. Is that some sort of incestuous coupling between paternal twins in the womb?

In my freshman biology class I wrote an essay on artificial life. It began with a discussion of how one defines life. One of the definitions was the 7 characteristics one you mentioned above. In freshman biology I pointed out examples like the mule, among other violations of this general list. I also discussed two other proposed definitions, which I can't recall now. The point of this essay was to show how complex it is to really say whether or not something is alive before discussing the theories at the time on artificial life. We don't all agree. There is great debate among experts over whether or not viruses are alive, for example.

Here, there are a few things to consider. Most living human cells inside the body meet these characteristics. Most cells reproduce based on DNA, grow and develop (briefly), etc. There is no debate, however, over a persons right to do what they please with the cells in their body. The difference in abortion is that the baby is both a set of cells that are a part of the mother's body and also it's own individual person. As the baby matures, the balancing of the mother's right to do what she wants with her body and the baby's right to life moves from the mother to the baby. Clearly, sperm and egg cells have no right to life. Clearly a born baby does. Clearly you can have your appendix removed. Clearly you cannot kill your infant. Where you draw the lines in between and how you balance the different rights is the subject of the debate and to simplify it as you have done completely misses the point.
i am not pro abortion, but i do know where they get the "blob of cells" argument from. early in pregnancy (there is a specific amount of time, but i can't remember it) the embryo cannot live without its mother. the instant that you cut it off from its resources from its mother, it will die. pro abortion people say that an embryo is not technically able to grow, develop, and maintain a stable enviornment on its own. i do think that is crap, though, because even after that certain point when a fetus can survive for a short amount of time after being cut off from its mother, it will still die very quickly without a lot of medical care (think premature babies). even after babies are born, they are still extremely dependent on their parents. they sort of use a similar argument to be able to say that viruses are not alive, because a virus cannot grow or reproduce without a host.
The fertilized egg (embryo) cannot live outside the womb. The fetus, until nearly six-months old, cannot survive outside of the womb.

But the question about abortion really remains whether or not a woman has the right to have control over her body, the right to have an appropriate medical procedure performed, and the ability to maintain the privacy with her doctor.

Abortion is not an easy topic, and NO ONE is for abortion. It is not effective birth control, and for most who will be face with what to do over and unwanted pregnancy, the consequences are daunting, as are the decisions to be made.

Outlawing abortion will not end the practice, but will send it to back alleys to dangerous providers of the procedure. Outlawing abortion is not the answer as in many countries where it is illegal, it occurs more often and much less safe conditions.

I think it is important to offer comprehensive sex education. Abstinence only education doesn't work. Making birth control options available would be extremely helpful, particularly condoms which will help reduce the spread of STD's.
Even Norma Leah McCorvey of Roe vs Wade is going around and saying she regrets the verdict and is now a PRO-LIFE advocate.

That says volumes

The Bible says life begins at conception and thats plenty enough for me. Maybe Obama should read it some time
You clearly already know everything there is to know about abortion. So I will just repeat for you the facts. For every 10 conceptions there are 7 natural abortions. Therefore if a human makes the choice to have sex, they are choosing to have an abortion. For example a person that does not want an abortion must choose to not have sex.

And I know you already are aware that every time an abortion is given, then in the long run it saves as many as 12 born and loved kids. And I know that you know that those who stop abortion are then responsible for murdering up to 12 kids for each abortion they stop.

Because you are so much smarter than anyone else, I know you were simply feeding them miss-information to set them up for a letdown. So I will just say what I know you must be holding from everyone and just dying to tell. "Being pro life is the surest way to murder a child. And having sex makes you a murderer 70 percent of the time." There I said it for you.

Abortion is NOT a priority issue, first of all. You conservatives make a huge deal out of it, imposing your own moral restrictions on everyone.

Secondly, how do conservatives claim they are pro-life, yet send their own children - their own LIVING, BREATHING sons and daughters - to die in a war based on a lie?

That's called hypocrisy.
I guess civilians in the Iraq war don't count either then.

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